St. Panteleimon Orthodox Church
Iglesia Ortodoxa San Panteleimón
Summit Argo, Illinois
Service Schedule & Parish Events
"When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them." (St Luke 24:30)


Sunday, also called the LORD'S DAY, is the Christian Church's original and principal feast: it is our weekly celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. No Sunday is an ordinary day, even though we tend to take them for granted! Sunday is the "eighth day" of the New Creation, when all things are made new in the Risen Lord. Already in the New Testament, the Apostles and the earliest Christians gathered on the first day of the week for the "breaking of the bread," a biblical name for the Eucharist (Acts 20:7). As an ancient church handbook explains: "On the Lord's own Day gather together, break bread, and give thanks, having first confessed your sins so that your sacrifice may be pure" (Didache 14:1, c. AD 100). For Christians, the week—and all of life—has been structured around the Sunday Eucharist from the very beginning.

9:40am: 3rd & 6th Hours
10:00am: Divine Liturgy

After the Divine Liturgy, we gather downstairs in the church basement to enjoy fellowship with one another week after week. If you are visting, please join us for coffee hour as well!


Our celebration of the Mystery of Christ flows from Sunday as its source to every other day of the week. Periods of fasting and feasting that mark the seasons of the Church's year, and indeed, every single day of the year is marked by the grace of God. At St Panteleimon, we celebrate many of the major feasts of Church Year regionally with our neighboring sister parish in Burr Ridge, and we note those occasions on our monthly calendar. Other feasts, great and small, we strive to celebrate here in our parish church, opening our doors in this little corner of God's world as we join the unbroken worship of the angels and saints in heaven, and of the Church everywhere on earth and throughout the ages—and you can join in, too.


Worship with Us!

Church Address:

7549 W 61st Place
Summit Argo, IL 60501-1617

Sunday Services:

9:40am: 3rd & 6th Hours
10:00am: Divine Liturgy

Coffee hour in church basement after services. All are welcome!

Upcoming Services:

Sunday, March 9
First Sunday of Lent: Sunday of Orthodoxy  
9:40a Hours & Divine Liturgy    
6:30p Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers at Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago 
Sunday, March 16
Second Sunday of Lent: St Gregory Palamas  
No services at St Panteleimon   
6:00p Deanery Lenten Vespers at Christ the Savior Church in Chicago 
Sunday, March 23
Third Sunday of Lent: Veneration of the Precious Cross  
9:40a Hours & Divine Liturgy    
6:00p Deanery Lenten Vespers at Protection of the Virgin Church in Merrillville 
Monday, March 24
6:30p Vigil (Location TBA) 
Tuesday, March 25
9:30a Vesperal Divine Liturgy (Location TBA) 

For more details on these and all other scheduled services, holy days, and events, please visit our Schedule & Events page.

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