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St Panteleimon Church in the Village of Summit, Illinois, is a parish community of the Diocese of Chicago and the Midwest, Orthodox Church in America. In communion with our Bishop, and through him with the universal Church, together we seek to live the Christian life in its fullness, centered around:
- the TRUE FAITH: attested in the Scriptures, taught by the Apostles, and passed down within the Church from generation to generation;
- TRUE WORSHIP in the Orthodox liturgical tradition, and above all, the celebration of the Eucharist;
- TRUE SERVICE, through which we are called to show our love for God, for each other, and for our neighbor.
We are a small group of people from various places, near and far, who gather in Summit Argo week after week to worship God and serve each other, like so many others have done in this holy place for over 85 years. YOU ARE WELCOME to join us as we pray, learn, and grow together.
Father Esteban Vázquez
Parish Rector